
Showing posts from October, 2019


I didn’t go to school today but i still managed to get some of my school work done.

Act Workeys

      Today I took my Act Workeys. It wasn’t hard at all i just couldn’t see certain things like the graphs on there but everything was every simple and understandable. It was also tiring i guess because i went to sleep kind of late.

What do i see?

    In class today we were asked to take out our phones and look at ourselves for 15 to 20 seconds. Then we were to reflect what we saw. This is what i saw.             I seen a hardworking girl who doesn’t care how she looks because at the end of the day she’s gonna get done with what has to be done. I see a girl who though sometimes notice her flaw the things the make her feel not worth, yes it makes her disappointed but she has to look past that and see the beauty that everyone else sees. I see a girl who struggles to find herself but she knows that crying is not going to solve so she learns to get over it like everything else. All that this girl sees makes her work harder for where she wants to be in life that future pulmonary doctor. This girl is gonna learn love and cherish herself one day.


       Today went to see the play Frankenstein at play in the park and let me tell you guys it is so much better than Dracula.  There was more suspenseful scenes and more interacting with the crowd. My favorite character of course was Frankenstein the boy who played him really did well.


   We finished answering the prompt from yesterday. We also took pictures for 90’s day it was fun seeing majority of the class participate in the activity.

Answer the prompt

    We were in groups of fours today or 3 and we worked on a prompt that pertained the play fences. For us it was sorta difficult to make the thesis because we couldn’t find that one word that would go with the whole prompt. We also found that the umbrella thesis was hard because but we managed to figure it out. We didn’t get quite finish because we took up to much time for the planning so i believe that’s one thing that we need to work on.

We’re finish

       Finished Fences today TROY IS DEADDDD😱. I believe he died from a heart attack but the thing is he died happy because he finally met death. We also got into groups to react certain scenes. The scene we got was when Corey and Troy fought. Today was a really smooth day in AP literature.

Body paragraphs

   Today we worked on making a body paragraph. We were in groups of two’s and we wrote down a claim and found some evidence to go with it then, we told our partners about to see if it made since and/or right. Therefore, after all that we made the body paragraph with all we wrote down and added a conclusion sentence to it. Towards the end of the class we read some more of fences and guess what ALBERTA IS DEADDDDD!!!!!!


      Today Mr. Rease wasn’t here so we did work from the book. We did critical thinking questions on varies of poem which we had already read before. To me they weren’t hard but as far as my comprehension i still got a little bit confused.

He’s somebody Daddy

         We read more of fences today and Troy and Bono had a talk about how Bono saw Troy sneaking around Alberta’s a lot and told Troy that he believes she should cut it off now before he loses somebody. Troy finally told Rose but he told her “I’m gonna be somebody’s daddy.” This pisses Rose off because she has wasted 18 years of her life to their marriage. Another thing that pisses her off is the way he was working the situation as if it was baseball and not he just can’t get rid of it because of how it makes him feel(Alberta.)

Essay evaluations

We went over essays that we had did before the EQT they were anonymous of course. We evaluated them by seeing if they had their thesis, were their introductory right, and if their commentary matched their claims. So far they were no to so bad it was just things that they forgot mainly in the introduction paragraph.


  Today i met with Auburn college recruiter and he gave me some insight on what Auburn is. Me personally i don’t think i will be able to get into the school because of my act composite score but I’m a trier sooo.

Man vs. Boy🤔

    Today we did a t chart on man vs. boy and we sorted out the differences between them like how should they act and what should the have. We did that based off of Lyon and Troy. We also read some more of the play.


      Today in class we started reading the play Fences by August Wilson. We learned a little more about August Wilson and his background so when we read the play we will have a better understanding of it.

Pop quiz

 Today we did a quiz on the yellow wallpaper. Well for me myself i didn’t think it was hard but i guess you really shouldn’t go with your first mind because half of thing are wrong.

Woohoo kahoot

      Today we did have that long in class so we played kahoot in our teams. The kahoot was based on the yellow wallpaper and it’s devices it wasn’t hard it was very fun and i learned me words that i can’t pronounce.


  Today we were put into groups by football teams. Whoever wins gets a minor grade pass. We went over the rest of the yellow wall paper. Jane finally went insane and she was the person in the wallpaper this whole time which was crazy.