
Showing posts from December, 2019


Today was a pretty chill day we finished doing our group work and then he told us just to talk quietly amongst our peers while he talked to people about their essay.


We took out EQT today is wasn’t hard i guess i overthought and misinterpreted some things which made me get the grade i got.


We got into groups and worked on themes, claims, examples, and work as a whole. It was kind of hard for me because i still don’t quite get work as whole just yet.

Multiple choice

Today in class we worked on multiple choice dealing with the color purple and of course i didn’t do good but me, myself i know i tried my best.

Work as a whole

Today we work on prompt that involved putting what you know and how it contributes to the book or work as a whole. It was pretty confusing to me at first but i later got it.


Today we discussed letter 51-55 critical thinking questions and then we moved on into reading some more letters of the color purple. Pa is not their pa. Nettie and Celie found out that pa is not their father but stepfather which means that Celie and her kids are not related. Their father was hung by white men because they felt that their store was taking all the black shoppers so they burned the store down.

Group presentations

Today we the rest of the groups that didn’t get to present last week presented today. The letter we learned/ read today we noticed a change in Celies behavior she’s starting to act like Sofia in a way. She want Mr.__ DEAD. She’s furious that he has hidden Nettie’s letters from her. Celie is so mad that she’s no feeling the same laying with Shug she doesn’t have that arousal like she usually do.

Pop quiz

Today we took a quiz on an easy poem we read that day i believe i did good. The. We read some more of the color purple and Celie finally told someone about her being raped as a child. Celie also got to experience something she has never did before. We then wrote 3 claim about what we read.

Mr Rease abesent

I just went over my notes from the color purple because i really enjoy that back.

Sofia locked up

Today we answered some questions about letters 1-5 of the color purple and then we read some more of the color purple letters 37-44 and at the end up class we answered to more questions about what we had just read.