We got into groups and worked on themes, claims, examples, and work as a whole. It was kind of hard for me because i still don’t quite get work as whole just yet.
Yesterday we were to make our own questions pertaining what we read in the Pardoners tale. Today we used those same questions to and each group was to answer the question and which ever question was the best was correct. I don’t really have confidence in that because i don’t know how to word things which makes its look wrong but could be possibly be right. The test we will do Friday will probably help me improve on what i am stumbling on.
Today in class we went to the library to get our book for our senior project and then we came back to class to read The Dream. The book I chose was The Blind Assassin which is about a woman whose sister killed her self and the her husband ended up dead on a sail boat which they are now investigate. The book is FICTIONAL and then she meets a lover in a back street room INTERESTING. The poem The Dream was about how this man thinks of this woman whom he is madly in love with but can only get her in his dream. This poem can relate to many high school crushes your always scared to talk to to them but when you dream at night anything is possible your no longer scared and you now have them all to yourself. I have went through this my 10th grade year i was falling for someone who i could never have but in my dream they were mine but the reality hit and i knew i could no longer live and that dream and i had to realize what was really going on.
Today in class we wrote a 2nd paragraph to what we did yesterday. I was still little confused on what i was writing so hopefully by the time it gets to the test i will do well. Then we read some essay that dealt with the same prompt we were doing and we were to score it 5 and up being good and 4 on down bad. We seen some good techniques that we could use for our testing. Then we scored our classmates essays to see what we all needed to work on. There we some that needed help including mines and there were some who did excellent. However, we all have errors that we need to work on it could be the simplest thing but it would be improvement.
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