
Showing posts from January, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis

           In the Dr. Martin Luther King jr. speech “ I have a dream” he uses man rhetorical devices throughout his speech to emphasize the point he was trying to make. Three of many rhetorical devices he used were allusion, metaphor, and repetition. “This will be the day when all of God’s children will be able to sing with a new meaning” this is an allusion he want the people to imagine how it would be when segregation is over. “Let is not seek.... for freedom.... by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred” this is a metaphor you can not physically drink hatred but Dr. Martin Luther was saying that because he does not promote violence so he wanted to notify them that this that is would be a peaceful protest, “I have a dream....” is a source of repition it is used multiple times at the end of his speech to emphasize how he wishes America to be.

My ideal dream of America

 My ideal dream of America is that we of all color, age, and race will be able to come together as one. My ideal dream is that we will not be judged by how we look or live but to be judge as to how we act. My ideal dream is that nobody will be denied of having a job unless you’ve done something terrible.


                                                       Your worst Nightmare                                                      I am the voice inside your head                                                 I am the one who makes you overthink                                                  I am the reason why you cannot sleep at night                                                      I wear you like a sweater                                                 I make you feel alone even when you’re not                                                 I’ve made you build a wall to shut everyone out                                                   I am the reason you do not love yourself                                                 I am the reason you think everyone is out to get you                                                  My name is anxiety amen I am your worst nightmare


                                                                                                                               You worst nightmare                                                            I am the voice inside your head                                                            I am the one who makes you overthink                                                                                                                                                                                                    I am the reason you cannot sleep at night                                                                                                                         I wear you like a sweater                                                             I make you feel like you alone even when you’re not                                                             I’ve made you build wall to shut everyone out                                                

Revisiting and future Reference

What I learned first semester is how to time myself for ideas to put in my paper for an essay. I also learned about many varieties of essays. One thing that I truly need to work on is not overthinking when I am trying to plan out my essay because that will cause me to waste time. What I hope to learn this semester is more about multiple choices and how to use more of my context clues.