
Showing posts from February, 2020

Chapter 8 the kite runner

Chapter 8 of The kite runner was mainly about how Amir wished to be punished because of the secret he kept and his thirteenth birthday. To me Amir is really getting what he deserves right now i like the Hassan is not giving in to what Amir wants him to do to him. I’m glad that he’s losing sleep over it and feeling GUILTY. Assef is evil in my eyes how can you make your own parents be frightened to even speak while they are around you like what could possibly be going on in that household. How can some one so evil act so innocent when around people who they know think good about them.

The kite runner ch. 1-3

The kite runner stared off by a flash back talking to his father friend but turning out to be his sins. Chapter 2 then talks about the narrators friend Hassan who has a cleft lip and is probably poor s due to the description they gave in the book and Ali is Hassans father. Hassan was born in 1964 to whereas Amir(the narrator) was born in 1965 when his mother did due to hemorrhage complications. Amir had his on way of being but the guilt he held over hisself which was he thinks his mother death is his fault and wishes he could please his father. I believe that his father should accept him as he is and not try to push him so hard to what he doesn’t want him to be. Baba(Amir’s father) doesn’t love his son the way he is he wishes he was tougher and meaner basically he wished his son was like Hassan. I think what made Hassan that way was because of his mother which was also his cousin. People talked bad about him due to his mothers reputations and him and his fathers condition which made hi

Poetry out loud part 1

Today in class some of my classmates presented the poems wrote by Maya Angelou. It was quite interesting to see them come alive. However, some were possibly nervous which made them mess up or forget which is probably how I’m gonna be tomorrow but i will continue to go over my poem until it’s time.

Mother to son and son to mother

Every son and mother relationships are not the same. Some have very tight bonds some don’t have one at all. In the mother to son poem, the mother talks about all the hardships she went through in her life and telling her son to ever give up. Anytime life gets hard never give up continue to push through it overcome every mountain. The son to mother poem talks about how society are other men are degrading him because they think he is a “mothers boy”. They say that she took away his manhood but he will not tolerate the ignorance that is coming from the holes in their face. He is very confident in his life he even told his mother to sit on his lap not him sit on her lap he wants to embrace his mother in his own arm not hers.

5 on the board

Today in class we wrote a 2nd paragraph to what we did yesterday. I was still little confused on what i was writing so hopefully by the time it gets to the test i will do well. Then we read some essay that dealt with the same prompt we were doing and we were to score it 5 and up being good and 4 on down bad. We seen some good techniques that we could use for our testing. Then we scored our classmates essays to see what we all needed to work on. There we some that needed help including mines and there were some who did excellent. However, we all have errors that we need to work on it could be the simplest thing but it would be improvement.

Pejorative Terms *may contain foul language*

Today we talked about what word offended us in certain ways. Words that offend me is Bi*** and ni**** or negro. Those words offend me is because I feel as if you are degrading and stopping me from doing this that i do not like that is what pejorative means. Pejorative means    a  word or grammatical form expressing a negative connotation or a low opinion of someone or something, showing a lack of respect for someone or something. People use certain word should not be in anyone’s everyday vocabulary to degrade you of who you are such as racial slurs when people say certain terms and takes one back to where things were segregated no one like nobody. Words that are said to one another can stick to us for however long we shall live so we should always watch what we say to other people especially concerning their feelings.

The myth of music

 When we analyzed the title The Myth Of Music we thought it meant a traditional story of written or printed sounds. Music makes me feel calm and collected. It puts me into a deeper mood I’m in or it enlightens the mood i am in. I first discovered music when i was 13 years old i started to explore more genres of music on my on since i had my on phone at that time. I love to listen to my parents music as well because it has actually grown on me overtime and sometimes i can actually relate to the music that they had around their period of time or what they listen to. The myth of music is about a child who had this on particular song that was HER SONG it reminded her of her father in spirit no one else could have this song at all. Every one knows how they have this one particularly song that comes on and they yell out “this my song,” well this is how she felt about this particular jazzy song.