The kite runner ch. 1-3

The kite runner stared off by a flash back talking to his father friend but turning out to be his sins. Chapter 2 then talks about the narrators friend Hassan who has a cleft lip and is probably poor s due to the description they gave in the book and Ali is Hassans father. Hassan was born in 1964 to whereas Amir(the narrator) was born in 1965 when his mother did due to hemorrhage complications. Amir had his on way of being but the guilt he held over hisself which was he thinks his mother death is his fault and wishes he could please his father. I believe that his father should accept him as he is and not try to push him so hard to what he doesn’t want him to be. Baba(Amir’s father) doesn’t love his son the way he is he wishes he was tougher and meaner basically he wished his son was like Hassan. I think what made Hassan that way was because of his mother which was also his cousin. People talked bad about him due to his mothers reputations and him and his fathers condition which made him time out a lot of things but which would also make him breakdown in tears. Chapter 1-3 were basically and overview of some of the main characters in the kite runner.


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