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Today was a pretty chill day we finished doing our group work and then he told us just to talk quietly amongst our peers while he talked to people about their essay.


We took out EQT today is wasn’t hard i guess i overthought and misinterpreted some things which made me get the grade i got.


We got into groups and worked on themes, claims, examples, and work as a whole. It was kind of hard for me because i still don’t quite get work as whole just yet.

Multiple choice

Today in class we worked on multiple choice dealing with the color purple and of course i didn’t do good but me, myself i know i tried my best.

Work as a whole

Today we work on prompt that involved putting what you know and how it contributes to the book or work as a whole. It was pretty confusing to me at first but i later got it.


Today we discussed letter 51-55 critical thinking questions and then we moved on into reading some more letters of the color purple. Pa is not their pa. Nettie and Celie found out that pa is not their father but stepfather which means that Celie and her kids are not related. Their father was hung by white men because they felt that their store was taking all the black shoppers so they burned the store down.

Group presentations

Today we the rest of the groups that didn’t get to present last week presented today. The letter we learned/ read today we noticed a change in Celies behavior she’s starting to act like Sofia in a way. She want Mr.__ DEAD. She’s furious that he has hidden Nettie’s letters from her. Celie is so mad that she’s no feeling the same laying with Shug she doesn’t have that arousal like she usually do.

Pop quiz

Today we took a quiz on an easy poem we read that day i believe i did good. The. We read some more of the color purple and Celie finally told someone about her being raped as a child. Celie also got to experience something she has never did before. We then wrote 3 claim about what we read.

Mr Rease abesent

I just went over my notes from the color purple because i really enjoy that back.

Sofia locked up

Today we answered some questions about letters 1-5 of the color purple and then we read some more of the color purple letters 37-44 and at the end up class we answered to more questions about what we had just read.


Today we wrote our essay. This essay wasn’t as difficult as the last one we did since he helped us through it and helped us get a better understanding of it. I believe i did bet on this one than i did on the last one.


Today we prepared for our essay we are writing tomorrow. We worked on tone, diction, and selection of details. We worked on claims and our commentary coming from one specific letter. I still really don’t get it but we’ll see how well tomorrow goes.

No teacher

Mr. Rease left early today and we were left to do part of our study guides.

Celie explores herself

We wrote letters from a specific characters point of view. We also used STEAL to help get a better understanding about how they would talk and write and what they would say. We then read some more letters from the color purple and Shug convinces Celie to explore herself and see how she looks for she’s never seen herself before since she was raped.

Letter to God

    Dear God,                   Ise done somethings that ise know youse probably heard about. I told her to tell nobody but you about it or it’d kill ha mammy. Well hers mammy dead so she must told somebody other than you. Id ast for forgiveness but i know it’s to late to for it. I dun took Celie children away i don’t want nobody to know i dun had children by that ugly child of mine. God i ast if you would keep Nettie in school and not let her marry Mr., that my pretty child and i want her all to myself because doesn’t nobody want no teacher. Please i ast of you.


We went over some claims from our essays. We then read some more of the color purple. We finally know what’s Mr name it’s ALBERT. Albert loves Shug Avery till the point he is now vulnerable to Celie. We then wrote claims from what we read in class.


We attempted to do more questions for the color purple but weren’t successful at finishing it so we have to finish it for homework. We then went over some thesis statement and claims from our essay and let’s say i wasn’t pleased with my grade but at least i know i tried my best. Then we started reading the color purple at the end of class.


We answered some more questions for the color purple. After that we discussed what we had read yesterday to get a refresher. Then we read some more of the color purple up to letter 21. “All my life i had to fight,” this was really important line to me cause it really depicts what black women had to go through in that age and time period.

The color purple

Today we started the color purple. We first talked about what we should learn by the time we got done with this novel. We read the first 13 letters it was so surprising how it actually started off but so far so good.

Lyric poems

We answered some questions on 3 lyric poems by Ben Jonson. The poems were not that hard to understand but the questions were i gave up on around question 4 i just had to hard of a time comprehending it.


  Out of school for Veterans Day.

Poems poems and more poems

We read another poem by Sylvia Plath called The yew tree and the moon in groups it was very hard for us to understand it but after we read the poem each group had a stanza to explain to the class. We had the stanza where she started talking about the yew tree and describing how it looked and what it did basically personifying it. The poem to it entirety i believe was based around religion.


  Today we read another poem by Sylvia Plath called you’re. I believe it is about one of her children because in the poem she states “my little loaf.” As we read the poem and analyzed it we picked out it metaphors and similes. We analyzed all the similes and what they meant. The we took a face pop quiz which had everyone upset but it was funny at the same time.

The cellphone

   Today in class we wrote poems. The title of my poem was the cellphone. This was the title of my phone because that is one object I use everyday no matter where I’m at and i never let it out my sight unless I’m at home. It wasn’t as difficult for me to write the poem like the first time i wrote a poem it was maybe because it was a free verse and there was no rhyme scheme to do.


I didn’t go to school today but i still managed to get some of my school work done.

Act Workeys

      Today I took my Act Workeys. It wasn’t hard at all i just couldn’t see certain things like the graphs on there but everything was every simple and understandable. It was also tiring i guess because i went to sleep kind of late.

What do i see?

    In class today we were asked to take out our phones and look at ourselves for 15 to 20 seconds. Then we were to reflect what we saw. This is what i saw.             I seen a hardworking girl who doesn’t care how she looks because at the end of the day she’s gonna get done with what has to be done. I see a girl who though sometimes notice her flaw the things the make her feel not worth, yes it makes her disappointed but she has to look past that and see the beauty that everyone else sees. I see a girl who struggles to find herself but she knows that crying is not going to solve so she learns to get over it like everything else. All that this girl sees makes her work harder for where she wants to be in life that future pulmonary doctor. This girl is gonna learn love and cherish herself one day.


       Today went to see the play Frankenstein at play in the park and let me tell you guys it is so much better than Dracula.  There was more suspenseful scenes and more interacting with the crowd. My favorite character of course was Frankenstein the boy who played him really did well.


   We finished answering the prompt from yesterday. We also took pictures for 90’s day it was fun seeing majority of the class participate in the activity.

Answer the prompt

    We were in groups of fours today or 3 and we worked on a prompt that pertained the play fences. For us it was sorta difficult to make the thesis because we couldn’t find that one word that would go with the whole prompt. We also found that the umbrella thesis was hard because but we managed to figure it out. We didn’t get quite finish because we took up to much time for the planning so i believe that’s one thing that we need to work on.

We’re finish

       Finished Fences today TROY IS DEADDDD😱. I believe he died from a heart attack but the thing is he died happy because he finally met death. We also got into groups to react certain scenes. The scene we got was when Corey and Troy fought. Today was a really smooth day in AP literature.

Body paragraphs

   Today we worked on making a body paragraph. We were in groups of two’s and we wrote down a claim and found some evidence to go with it then, we told our partners about to see if it made since and/or right. Therefore, after all that we made the body paragraph with all we wrote down and added a conclusion sentence to it. Towards the end of the class we read some more of fences and guess what ALBERTA IS DEADDDDD!!!!!!


      Today Mr. Rease wasn’t here so we did work from the book. We did critical thinking questions on varies of poem which we had already read before. To me they weren’t hard but as far as my comprehension i still got a little bit confused.

He’s somebody Daddy

         We read more of fences today and Troy and Bono had a talk about how Bono saw Troy sneaking around Alberta’s a lot and told Troy that he believes she should cut it off now before he loses somebody. Troy finally told Rose but he told her “I’m gonna be somebody’s daddy.” This pisses Rose off because she has wasted 18 years of her life to their marriage. Another thing that pisses her off is the way he was working the situation as if it was baseball and not he just can’t get rid of it because of how it makes him feel(Alberta.)

Essay evaluations

We went over essays that we had did before the EQT they were anonymous of course. We evaluated them by seeing if they had their thesis, were their introductory right, and if their commentary matched their claims. So far they were no to so bad it was just things that they forgot mainly in the introduction paragraph.


  Today i met with Auburn college recruiter and he gave me some insight on what Auburn is. Me personally i don’t think i will be able to get into the school because of my act composite score but I’m a trier sooo.

Man vs. Boy🤔

    Today we did a t chart on man vs. boy and we sorted out the differences between them like how should they act and what should the have. We did that based off of Lyon and Troy. We also read some more of the play.


      Today in class we started reading the play Fences by August Wilson. We learned a little more about August Wilson and his background so when we read the play we will have a better understanding of it.

Pop quiz

 Today we did a quiz on the yellow wallpaper. Well for me myself i didn’t think it was hard but i guess you really shouldn’t go with your first mind because half of thing are wrong.

Woohoo kahoot

      Today we did have that long in class so we played kahoot in our teams. The kahoot was based on the yellow wallpaper and it’s devices it wasn’t hard it was very fun and i learned me words that i can’t pronounce.


  Today we were put into groups by football teams. Whoever wins gets a minor grade pass. We went over the rest of the yellow wall paper. Jane finally went insane and she was the person in the wallpaper this whole time which was crazy.

The yellow wall-paper

   We read 6 entry’s of the short story the yellow wallpaper. Right not it is very good. The lady is going insane because her husband keeps her basically locked in the same room. She sits in the room and looks at the patterns on the wallpaper and it’s start to resemble a figure of a woman. Then it turns into a woman figure that is behind bars.


               We discussed some parts of the book together to get a better understanding/feel of it so when it pops up on the exam it won’t be as difficult.

The end

      We finished Macbeth and surprisingly I’m sad to say I’m mad that we are already done because the play was really good. We also worked in groups with particular prompts. To me it’s kind of difficult for me to try to get my examples together because i see how everyone else sounds then I start to think that mines is wrong.


     Today I had to do crinneton ambassador and talk to the kids who goes to Mobile County Training School.

And scene:)

        Today we acted out our scenes we created. For my group it was difficult because people were getting early dismissals and we didn’t have no way of putting our ideas together. Also, we had to change our whole script because the original script was to straight forward. The overall experience was good and fun to do.

Toughen up

   I’m in group one and we had to write a scene based of the play Macbeth. The scene had to be about what would’ve happen if Macbeth hadn’t given in to lady Macbeth plan. The thing is we had to use celebrities which was kind of difficult due to tryna match personalities between the celebrities and characters.

Holes that were left in between the murder and quotes


Oh No! He’s dead

    We read Act two scenes 1-3. Those scenes were about the plan to kill Duncan actually going through Lady Macbeth drugged the servants and Macbeth killed Duncan with their daggers. In order for it too look like the servants did it Lady Macbeth smeared Duncan’s blood on their face leaving their daggers next to them. When it happened the nature started to act different.


Today we talked about scoring of AP literature exams and what is all needed to get the scoring that you would really want. We also read a little more of Macbeth and how the plan was starting to fall through and how they were going to do it.

All hail the king!

Today we read the first 4 scenes of act 1 in Macbeth. The first four scenes were about the witches making a prophecy about Macbeth becoming king. Now Macbeth realizes that in order to even become king, even though he is not in the blood line, is that he has to kill of Duncan and everyone else.

America, oh sweet America

      Today we talked about America. We talked about what it means to be and American and what comes to mind when you hear the word “America.” We also talked about hero like who are your hero’s in this world mines is Barack Obama and my parents and siblings they taught me a lot while on this earth for 17 years. We talked about 9/11 and what we as students knew about it and what situations could almost relate as feelings to it.


Today we went over some things that  we are going to find in the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare. I personally thought we were going to jump right into it but he gave us more clarity on what it is going to be about so that we would be prepared to read it.

South Alabama

Today we talked to a counselor from South Alabama. She gave us many insights on what South is about. She talked about the freshman dorms and that freshman’s can drive in campus. You have to have a 19 on the ACT and a 2.5 Gpa to apply for their scholarships.

Analyzing Sonnet 29

Today we analyzed sonnet 29. It’s about a man who feels like he already has bad luck and on top of that he also feels that society look at him in a different way. He doesn’t have any hope. But with he soon realizes that with love brings hope the brightens him up and he wouldn’t want to switch places with no one else.

Ever had a dog that acts almost human?

 Ever had a dog that acts almost human? Who likes to give high-fives and be a baby                                                                          In your face like a camera zooming in Will never leave your side almost maybe I have a small dog her name is Midnight She is sometimes grouchy but causes peace  She had a bedtime at 9 o’clock at night  But once she hears a bag she wants a piece She acts as if she’s a monkey in a cage She loves to catch dangerous bugs Don’t touch her food or she will light with rage And she doesn’t like to really give hugs Don’t test her for she might be small For her heart is big which makes her stand tall

I have bad sinuses

Today i was absent from school because of my sinuses.

William Shakespeare

              Today we learned a little more about William Shakespeare poems. They have a rhyme scheme which is abab cdcd efef gg. Shakespeare's poems contain 3 stanzas with 4 lines each. The words of the poems usually go from unstressed to stressed in foot and meters. We read sonnet 29 which he portrays the beauty of a lover to summer and how the beauty never changes.

Finish the test

     Today we had a test in AP Literature on analyzing poems and writing a prompt about a poem and how her attitude was toward the woman in the poem. It was some difficult words throughout the test but, i managed to finish in time to go over it.

Another chance for the test

          Today we finished out presentations from yesterday and also we got another chance to change or grades for our test. We got in groups of two and we put our minds together to make sure we chose the right answers on the test so if we made a bad grade we could get it changed.

Group presentations

                   Today in class we were put into group to analyze different poems. We had to summarize the poem, find the structure, the theme, and the literary device. It was a little difficult due to use have 20 minutes at first because before we could do anything we had to understand what the poem was trying to portray. We had 20 minutes to explain everything and ask and get asked questions while presenting.

The poem “I felt a funeral in my brain”

                      If you are wondering what my title means this poem is by Emily Dicksinson. Today in class we got a better understanding of the poem. It is about a person who basically has depression and is trying to fight it but, it feels as if she is losing her sanity and she is losing the battle. This person feels as it over comes them and it becomes unbearable leaving  them feeling alienated with the silence. Silence and them are just there in space looking upon everybody who seems the same. That’s is what we did today in AP literature.

Reader Profile

Jermia Martin Mr. Rease AP English Literature and Composition 14 June 2019                                                                                                                             Reader Profile       I have many strengths and weaknesses in reading. My strengths are I am able to read in a good amount of time in order to leave enough time to answer my questions. I am now able to block out any words that are giving me complications which makes me lose time. Also, when I am reading I make sure that I underline anything that stands out and/or important in what I am reading. My weaknesses are that I am not always able to comprehend what I am reading which makes it hard for me to answer the following questions.   When I read it gives me an opportunity to explore another world like a kids imagination. Reading helps me expand my vocabulary helping me to use the text to find the meaning of words I do not know. As I increase the level of my read

Is the unknown valuable or invaluable?

The unknown is mysterious in many ways. The unknown takes thinking to a whole another level. This is why one should value the unknown because it gives one knowledge and things to argue about. For instance, the galaxy  one could just sit there and think about what is on the other side — are there more planets and/or universes? Are there any planets that us humans can live on? If one were to travel though would it change time? The unknown makes you question many things in life that one could make into a great study in the future.

“Lunch” arguementive prompt

         Meal times are different in many ways in many cultures, but sometimes they can be similar. Meal time is important because it gives a person an opportunity to just have quality time with the ones you love so dearly. Meal time she be valued because of the structure, the time spent, and the communication. Meal time can structure a family because everyone will learn not to be late to something important or they will miss out like in the essay “Lunch” if the children were not there by the time the food was being served they would have might as well found somewhere else to eat. Meal time also let’s family spend time together from experience in ones house hold everyone would either be at work or at school so they do not get to see each other as much so it is nice to at least eat together . Also, meal time helps with communication because like before if one do not get to see each other as much it is nice to at least ask each other how ones day went and to tell one what is going on in

Day 10 Ch.17

It’s really understandable that any person would have the mindset that Jefferson had if they knew that in no time they were going to die and having accusations made upon them that were not really true. I believe they should let him go to the Day room maybe that will help him open up more to Miss Emma.

Day 10 Ch.16

I knew that Miss Emma would eventually find out that Grant was lying but what I don’t understand is why is she continuing to make him visit Jefferson when there is obviously nothing that he can do about it.

Day 9 Ch.15

I am happy that they think nice of Vivian because I thought they would dislike her because of the color of her skin. Under any circumstances Vivian should not give up her religion to just be with a man who doesn’t even believe in what we call “God.”

Day 9 Ch.14

Just like what Grant said I wouldn’t want to raise my children in a community like that because I would want my children to have a good life and a better education.

Day 8 Ch.12

Personally I think that Grant should tell the truth because no lie is a good lie.

Day 8 Ch.13

Many people deal with this situation which is “not believing in a God”. Not saying that there is anything wrong with but I believe that one should at least try to sit and kind try to understand it.

Day 7 Ch.11

Towards the middle of chapter (11) I finally understood why Jefferson had been acting like that cause every since that man called him a “hog” that is all that he had thought about and when would they kill this “hog”.

Day 6 Ch. 10

What would Grant’s auntie get accomplished from this obviously they see that Grant doesn’t want to do this.

Day 5 Ch 8&9

I just want to know many did the kids think that chopping wood was fun; i would’ve been scared that I would’ve chopped my leg off. How could you dislike someone based off how they look? That is something that I would never understand no matter how long I live.

Day 4 Ch. 6&7

I just don’t understand how you can hold a grudge on a person who is doing the best that they can to make the situation better and knowing that it could have consequences to come after it. I agree with Grant that he did go over the extent to make sure that those kids were perfect.

Day 3 Ch. 5

Grant always made sure that all the kids in his class had learned even if it was only for a short period of time. I don’t think i was really necessary for him to whoop the child because sometimes I have to count on my fingers to figure out a problem even when I do have a calculator.

Day 2 Ch. 4

I loved how Vivian wouldn’t just up and leave with Grant knowing that she would be leaving innocent children who actually have an opportunity to learn behind.

Day 1

I believe it was very stupid of him to just sit there in that predicament instead of calling the police or take off. Yes I know that he was probably not the smartest but who would do such a slow thing like that. I agree with that the man is already dead and that there is not much that he could do about it because he is also a black and intelligent man and at that time they would think that he is insulting their intelligence so, it would possibly make it bad on his end of the deal. Hopefully, he is Mr. Henrie is able to help Jefferson become a man.

Rhetorical Analysis

           In the Dr. Martin Luther King jr. speech “ I have a dream” he uses man rhetorical devices throughout his speech to emphasize the point he was trying to make. Three of many rhetorical devices he used were allusion, metaphor, and repetition. “This will be the day when all of God’s children will be able to sing with a new meaning” this is an allusion he want the people to imagine how it would be when segregation is over. “Let is not seek.... for freedom.... by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred” this is a metaphor you can not physically drink hatred but Dr. Martin Luther was saying that because he does not promote violence so he wanted to notify them that this that is would be a peaceful protest, “I have a dream....” is a source of repition it is used multiple times at the end of his speech to emphasize how he wishes America to be.

My ideal dream of America

 My ideal dream of America is that we of all color, age, and race will be able to come together as one. My ideal dream is that we will not be judged by how we look or live but to be judge as to how we act. My ideal dream is that nobody will be denied of having a job unless you’ve done something terrible.


                                                       Your worst Nightmare                                                      I am the voice inside your head                                                 I am the one who makes you overthink                                                  I am the reason why you cannot sleep at night                                                      I wear you like a sweater                                                 I make you feel alone even when you’re not                                                 I’ve made you build a wall to shut everyone out                                                   I am the reason you do not love yourself                                                 I am the reason you think everyone is out to get you                                                  My name is anxiety amen I am your worst nightmare


                                                                                                                               You worst nightmare                                                            I am the voice inside your head                                                            I am the one who makes you overthink                                                                                                                                                                                                    I am the reason you cannot sleep at night                                                                                                                         I wear you like a sweater                                                             I make you feel like you alone even when you’re not                                                             I’ve made you build wall to shut everyone out                                                

Revisiting and future Reference

What I learned first semester is how to time myself for ideas to put in my paper for an essay. I also learned about many varieties of essays. One thing that I truly need to work on is not overthinking when I am trying to plan out my essay because that will cause me to waste time. What I hope to learn this semester is more about multiple choices and how to use more of my context clues.