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The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood

Jermia Martin Mr. Rease Ap English Literature 2 April 2020 ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Book Review The genre of the novel  The Blind Assassin  by Mar gare t Atwood is Historical fiction. Historical fiction is a story that is made up but is set in the past and sometimes borrow true characteristics of the time period. Iris Chase Griffen is the main protagonist  and narrator of the novel. Iris Griffen wrote the novel withing the novel which was a science fiction novel set on the planet of Zycron, which Iris published as it being her sister Laura Griffen’s book. The main  characters of that novel would be Alex, Iris lover but Laura also loves him, and Iris. The novel features love and heartache. The first conflict was human vs. self “Ten day after the war ended,  my sister Laura drove a car off the bridge,” (pg.1). This makes Iris question herself throughout the novel this makes her wonder if she had an input into why Laura committed suicide. The second conflict was human vs. society. In the me

Chapter 8 the kite runner

Chapter 8 of The kite runner was mainly about how Amir wished to be punished because of the secret he kept and his thirteenth birthday. To me Amir is really getting what he deserves right now i like the Hassan is not giving in to what Amir wants him to do to him. I’m glad that he’s losing sleep over it and feeling GUILTY. Assef is evil in my eyes how can you make your own parents be frightened to even speak while they are around you like what could possibly be going on in that household. How can some one so evil act so innocent when around people who they know think good about them.

The kite runner ch. 1-3

The kite runner stared off by a flash back talking to his father friend but turning out to be his sins. Chapter 2 then talks about the narrators friend Hassan who has a cleft lip and is probably poor s due to the description they gave in the book and Ali is Hassans father. Hassan was born in 1964 to whereas Amir(the narrator) was born in 1965 when his mother did due to hemorrhage complications. Amir had his on way of being but the guilt he held over hisself which was he thinks his mother death is his fault and wishes he could please his father. I believe that his father should accept him as he is and not try to push him so hard to what he doesn’t want him to be. Baba(Amir’s father) doesn’t love his son the way he is he wishes he was tougher and meaner basically he wished his son was like Hassan. I think what made Hassan that way was because of his mother which was also his cousin. People talked bad about him due to his mothers reputations and him and his fathers condition which made hi

Poetry out loud part 1

Today in class some of my classmates presented the poems wrote by Maya Angelou. It was quite interesting to see them come alive. However, some were possibly nervous which made them mess up or forget which is probably how I’m gonna be tomorrow but i will continue to go over my poem until it’s time.

Mother to son and son to mother

Every son and mother relationships are not the same. Some have very tight bonds some don’t have one at all. In the mother to son poem, the mother talks about all the hardships she went through in her life and telling her son to ever give up. Anytime life gets hard never give up continue to push through it overcome every mountain. The son to mother poem talks about how society are other men are degrading him because they think he is a “mothers boy”. They say that she took away his manhood but he will not tolerate the ignorance that is coming from the holes in their face. He is very confident in his life he even told his mother to sit on his lap not him sit on her lap he wants to embrace his mother in his own arm not hers.

5 on the board

Today in class we wrote a 2nd paragraph to what we did yesterday. I was still little confused on what i was writing so hopefully by the time it gets to the test i will do well. Then we read some essay that dealt with the same prompt we were doing and we were to score it 5 and up being good and 4 on down bad. We seen some good techniques that we could use for our testing. Then we scored our classmates essays to see what we all needed to work on. There we some that needed help including mines and there were some who did excellent. However, we all have errors that we need to work on it could be the simplest thing but it would be improvement.

Pejorative Terms *may contain foul language*

Today we talked about what word offended us in certain ways. Words that offend me is Bi*** and ni**** or negro. Those words offend me is because I feel as if you are degrading and stopping me from doing this that i do not like that is what pejorative means. Pejorative means    a  word or grammatical form expressing a negative connotation or a low opinion of someone or something, showing a lack of respect for someone or something. People use certain word should not be in anyone’s everyday vocabulary to degrade you of who you are such as racial slurs when people say certain terms and takes one back to where things were segregated no one like nobody. Words that are said to one another can stick to us for however long we shall live so we should always watch what we say to other people especially concerning their feelings.

The myth of music

 When we analyzed the title The Myth Of Music we thought it meant a traditional story of written or printed sounds. Music makes me feel calm and collected. It puts me into a deeper mood I’m in or it enlightens the mood i am in. I first discovered music when i was 13 years old i started to explore more genres of music on my on since i had my on phone at that time. I love to listen to my parents music as well because it has actually grown on me overtime and sometimes i can actually relate to the music that they had around their period of time or what they listen to. The myth of music is about a child who had this on particular song that was HER SONG it reminded her of her father in spirit no one else could have this song at all. Every one knows how they have this one particularly song that comes on and they yell out “this my song,” well this is how she felt about this particular jazzy song.

Poem explication


What are your fears?

 Fear changes perspective. Today in class we basically had a therapeutic session and Mr. Rease asked us what was our fears, what gave us anxiety, what situations are we most uncomfortable in? I get anxiety whenever I overthink or stress I even get anxiety when someone asks me a simple question. My biggest fear is being in the spotlight, all eyes on me, I start to feel as if the people are going to say horrible things about the things that I do in that spotlight. I feel that sometimes people don’t understand me and what makes me do and act the way I do. What led to this is the poem life doesn’t frighten me by Maya Angelou, she talks about how all these unimaginable and frightening things doesn’t scare her in no way possible not the gossiping girls nor the shadow on the wall. One thing Mr . Rease taught me was “ Anything  is possible if you can conquer your fear” and “we can all go through life and come out smiling.” Anything is possible if you can conquer your fear not fears all togethe

Maya Angelou

Today in class we read two poems by Maya Angelou. The first poem was about how facing problems u feel troubled but you always know who to run to which is your mother who will never blame you for anything. Home is where the heart is to me because there is no judgement there is nothing but love. The second poem was about how is black people need to come together as one make things happen. If we were to come together there would be less violence, more black owned business. Usually in most black homes/cultures there is nothing but sadness and hatred because we don’t understand each other. When we start to overflow of things we should learn how to give back feed the  children clothe them.

What does it mean to be black?

 To be black to me means you have to be strong and independent. Being black is amazing to me people look at you different and it’s good to be different, to be out the box. Black people have the natural curly hair, Afro. We come in different shapes and sizes that’s beautiful inside and out. People may bring us black people down for all the barbecues and du-rags and just being us but we are confident, we are our own leaders. Dear black propel please be proud of you are and don’t change yourself because you don’t share the same culture as the other do.

Senior projects

Today in class we went to the library to get our book for our senior project and then we came back to class to read The Dream. The book I chose was The Blind Assassin which is about a woman whose sister killed her self and the her husband ended up dead on a sail boat which they are now investigate. The book is FICTIONAL and then she meets a lover in a back street room INTERESTING. The poem The Dream was about how this man thinks of this woman whom he is madly in love with but can only get her in his dream. This poem can relate to many high school crushes your always scared to talk to to them but when you dream at night anything is possible your no longer scared and you now have them all to yourself. I have went through this my 10th grade year i was falling for someone who i could never have but in my dream they were mine but the reality hit and i knew i could no longer live and that dream and i had to realize what was really going on.

Cruising with the bad boys

Today we jotted down our own top 10 playlist and write what kind of connection we got to it. We also read the poem cruising with the bad boys. My number one song on my playlist was praise on it my Tasha Cobb’s helped me make it through a tough time when my grandpa died. The poem cruising with the bad boys was about how a song took the man back in time and brought back memories about all the crushes and girls that he couldn’t get. We learned how one simple thing can trigger so much and cause so many feelings to come.


Today in class we worked on our clusters that we did last week for the Pardoners tale. We used that cluster to write an essay. This was very difficult for me because i did not know how to start it off, i didn’t know how my attention grabber should be i didn’t know anything it was like i had a brain fart. I really would need some clarification on how i was supposed to write out this essay.

Prologue questions

Today Mr. Rease was out so we worked on The Canterbury Tales prologue questions. It wasn’t so difficult for me to do i just had so go back and re read because i had forgot some essential things. Overall it was a pretty simple day for me just listened to music, laughed, and worked.

A’s across the board

Today we took another multiple choice test. The passage wasn’t difficult at first the it shifted and i didn’t know any of them words i was so confused. The questions wasn’t as hard as i thought it would be. For me to actually understand that passage i had to use context clues and i had to cross out choices that i knew wasn’t right. After we got done he graded them and he put us in groups and only one person in the group had a very high grade then the other and it was up to us to put our grades together and figure out the questions. We had some disagreements but we figured it out and came up with the right answer. I believed this really helped me better myself at multiple choices tests.

Group work

Today in class we were in groups and were given specific questions to answer in written form. It was confusing at first as because i was misinterpreting things. I don’t really no how to put words in the right order to make it seem right and actually be right. Hopefully next when we do another activity i will improve on it.

Questions anyone

Yesterday we were to make our own questions pertaining what we read in the Pardoners tale. Today we used those same questions to and each group was to answer the question and which ever question was the best was correct. I don’t really have confidence in that because i don’t know how to word things which makes its look wrong but could be possibly be right. The test we will do Friday will probably help me improve on what i am stumbling on.

Practice makes perfect

Today in class we took a quiz on the pardoners tale. All i can say is practice makes perfect because i went from flunking multiple choice test to making A’s and B’s on them. Practice makes perfect on Rease’s words and i will always live by that.

The Pardoners prologue and tale

Today in class we read the pardoners prologue and tale. I found out it’s about how this “priest” would go around and get people to repent then take their money even if they didn’t have enough to feed their own children which i think is very evil. To me evil means to do wrongful things without remorse. I also learned that money is not the root of all evil it’s the love of money that’s the root of all evil. Loving money comes with consequences for instance, the three rioters who sought death found these coins and once they found these coins two of the oldest planned to kill the youngest to split the coins amongst each other and the youngest planned to kill both of the oldest ones so he could have it all to himself. I personally don’t understand why not just split amongst the three of them and maybe good would come to the after.

Love is not perceived by looks

Today we read the rest of wife of baths tale and took a multiple choice test on it. The knight was forced to marry the old woman he was not pleased for how she looked and felt as if he was tormented but when she was finally in control, which took me a while to understand what was going on, he had finally gotten what he deserved. I personally thought he should’ve been punished more for he took a girls innocent cause in the end he got something that he never thought he would get, Love. I stumbled upon a few things on the multiple choice quiz due to vocabulary which is something i really need to work on but other than that it was pretty simple.

Canterbury tales

Today in class we started the Canterbury Tales. While reading the general prologue I really didn’t get it as much as i think i should’ve which made me tune out in some parts. As we were reading about the knight and his son i realized that the language they used back then are somewhat similar to out if you put it in the correct terminology. As we were reading the wife of bath tale we were asked “What do women desire the most?” For me it’s food that’s was makes me happy i don’t wish to be in control of my husband or spouse but don’t get me wrong they are just finna run over me i will have some authority i just don’t wish to feel like the man over the relationship the one with the pants on. Overall today was a pretty good day in Ap literature.


Today in class we talked about how talent and being smart does not make you successful but effort. With effort come greatness. We are given problems to figure and overcome but in order to do that you have to have effort. We also talked about Canterbury tales and the author.

1st day back

Today in class we did semester examinations we went over what we would like to improve on and what we achieved. We also went over what all we read last semester.